
Demonic Trial (Trial of the Demonic Sword) features a maze-like instance with multiple platforms and various teleport locations. The trial is designed for those who seek to control the Demonic Sword. The Sword requires complete purification in order to fully control it. 

In order to complete this purification process and/or win the game, player needs to use the Demonic Sword power to kill demons in the trial instance. Upon defeating a demon, an amount of purification percentage (PP) will be awarded. 

Every usage of the Sword power costs an amount of energy (EP) and may inflict self-damage due to the Sword being out of control. The amount of self-inflicted damage decreases as PP increases (starting at 20 damage when PP is at 0% down to 0 damage when PP is at 100%). EP automatically increases a small amount every few seconds. Additionally, potions can be picked up to recover HP and EP. The trial instance also contains various event points where a random event will be triggered to either increase or decrease HP/EP/PP. 

It's up to the player to choose which strategy to win this game. As each demon will be re-spawned after an amount of time after death, player can choose to remain in one location to farm for PP or choose to explore the trial instance via teleportation and/or jumping through platforms. Player can also make use of event points throughout the instance to win the game faster if lucky enough. 

Game controls:

  • Movement: W A S D || Arrow Keys 
  • Jump: Spacebar
  • Use the Demonic Sword power: Left Mouse Button || Left Ctrl 
  • Pause: Esc 

This game was made for GMTK Game Jam 2020 from July 10, 2020 to July 12, 2020. 


Demonic Trial - Windows 34 MB
Demonic Trial - Mac 34 MB

Install instructions

Download the file based on your operating system. Then, unzip the file and run the executable file to play the game (.app for Mac or .exe for Windows).